Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tour Of Tasmania. :)

Grade 6's are extremely excited for our Tour of Tassie. We have done some fundraising, including Crazy day. We had a variety of different activities. All of the younger kids enjoyed the day. We raised a lot of money. We also have a cake stall coming up soon, down at  Dover's Southgate Shopping Center that Fiona Donato and Jasmine Abbott have organised for us! Many people are organising some other ways to also tell people about what we have done. 

We will be staying at lots of different places for the 4 nights of camp. Nindethana is most likely the most popular place that we are all wanting to stay at.

Some of the activities that we are doing include a visit to the Launceston Aquatic Centre, a visit to ZooDoo and a tour of the Mt. Lyell Mine! We will be having a talent show on one of the nights, which some of us have been rehearsing for. It should be a great night!

On the Thursday night, our last night on camp, we will be having a disco to celebrate Olivia and Will's 12th birthdays. We hope that they have a good birthday and a good disco celebrating with all of their friends!

Some of us are already packed and ready! And EXCITED! :) 

If you would like to keep in touch with our Tour you can read this blog which we will update every day!  

Thanks for reading.:)